A moving truck and cardboard
boxes could be seen outside 10 Downing Street yesterday as David Cameron began
to pack up and make way for his replacement, Theresa May. Energy Secretary
Andrea Leadsom's sudden withdrawal from the leadership race on Monday has led
to fast-track political change in the UK. Cameron presided over the last meeting
of his government yesterday with May still Home Secretary. And today he will
endure his last session of Prime Minister's questions in the House of Commons,
before officially presenting his resignation to Queen Elizabeth II and
proposing May as his substitute.
dimecres, 13 de juliol del 2016
El PP torna a apujar els impostos
Els ministres de Finances de
la Unió Europea (Ecofin) van aprovar ahir l'inici del procediment de sanció a
Espanya per haver superat el límit del dèficit. La sanció, en el pitjor dels
casos, pot arribar als 2.000 milions d'euros. A més, hi pot haver una congelació
dels fons estructurals del 2017. El govern espanyol en funcions, ignorant les
pressions i el poder d'Alemanya, confia que tal multa no se substanciarà o que
només serà simbòlica. Espanya, al·lega el govern popular, s'ha esforçat per
reduir el dèficit, encara que Cristóbal Montoro transmeti a les autonomies el
missatge contrari.
dimarts, 12 de juliol del 2016
Unambiguous pro-independence stance, a new acronym and goodbye to the Pujol family: what has changed in CDC in four years
The shocks from the 2012-2016
period end with an unprecedented structure and a separation between the
presidency of the Generalitat and that of the party.
The Reus exhibition center
welcomed the sixteenth Convergència conference from March 23-25, 2012. A few
hours before it began, Oriol Pujol was seen happily walking onstage inside the
venue. "Today is my Saint's Day!", he announced to the reporters who
arrived at the capital of the Baix Camp county to attend the press conference
prior to the beginning of three days that ended with the inclusion of a new
state as a party goal. Indeed, 71% of the 2,000 delegates who attended the
conclave defended this option, and 91% said that they would vote in favor of
independence in a hypothetical referendum on the nation's political future.
Four years later, independence is unambiguously supported, and the Pujol
family, after the string of corruption cases associated with them, has
gradually vanished from the scene. These are the five aspects that have marked
the evolution of the nationalist initials --CDC has become the Catalan
Democratic Party by decision of the founding members of the party-- over the
past four years.
Cross-party group to call for UK federation
A cross-party committee is to
propose the UK become a federation of four nations (England, Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland). The committee believes such an arrangement would avoid
the country's disintegration after the Brexit vote was split, with England and
Wales voting to leave the EU and voters in Scotland and Ireland (and London)
voting to stay. Scotland has already said it now wants a second referendum on
The Constitution Reform Group is led by former minister Lord
Salisbury, with former Lib Dem leader Menzies Campbell, former Labour secretary
for NI and Wales Peter Hain, former Commons secretary Lord Lisvane and ex-NI
Unionist MP David Burnside.
Sanders ratifica Clinton com a candidata demòcrata a la Casa Blanca
- El senador i precandidat a les presidencials expressa el seu suport a l'exsecretària d'Estat després de pressionar amb força perquè el seu programa tingui més contingut social
- Els fins ara rivals a les primàries celebren el seu primer acte electoral conjunt
El senador i aspirant
demòcrata a la presidència Bernie Sanders ha reconegut aquest dimarts la
victòria a les primàries de la seva rival, Hillary Clinton.
“Hillary Clinton ha guanyat el
procés de nominació demòcrata i faré tot el que calgui per garantir que ella
sigui la pròxima presidenta dels Estats Units”, ha dit Sanders en el primer
acte electoral conjunt al costat de l'exsecretària d'Estat a Nou Hampshire, al
nord-est del país.
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